Trestle Inclusive Groups | COVID Secure Working

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Summary of Covid 19 specific Policies for Trestle Inclusive Groups

  1. Trestle Theatre Company will be adhering to the most up to date government guidelines and will inform our families of any relevant changes as soon as possible.

  2. Session numbers will be capped to make sure that no more than 15 people are in the space to allow for social distancing.

  3. Temperature will be checked on arrival with no access if above 38C.

  4. Participants will be required to provide confirmation that:

a. They will not attend the session if they or anyone in their household has experienced symptoms in the last 14 days.

b. That they have a means of getting home should symptoms arise during the sessions.

c. If symptoms arise in their household within 14 days after attending a session they will inform Trestle immediately, acquire a test and inform them of the results.

Please note that this data is only to be collected for compliance with the national test and trace initiative. 

5. Increased cleaning of our venue will take place.

6. Increased hygiene procedure including hand sanitising / washing.

7. Care will be taken to socially distance at all times.

8. The sessions will still be drop in but pre booking to attend a session will be essential

9. Alternative sessions will be delivered online where capacity is low or the activity is not currently allowed due to government guidelines.


For all Groups

  • No tea / biscuits will be provided, you are welcome to bring your own snacks but these must not be shared.

  • Everyone not exempt will be expected to wear a face covering.

  • The space will be split into 2m squares, each person will be allocated a square and a chair which has been cleaned.

  • We will ask everyone to arrive on time for the session and to leave swiftly after. The cafe space will not be open to sit in.

  • Everyone in attendance will need to provide contact information.

  • Everyone will be required to sanitise their hands on entry.

  • A one way system will be in place to allow for social distancing.

  • Increased cleaning will be in place and staff will ensure that all cleaning and sanitising products available are kept in stock.

  • Attendees will be temperature checked.

  • A designated space for anyone showing symptoms will be set where staff can still safely supervise.

  • Any participant displaying symptoms will be asked to leave the session as soon as is possible.

  • Numbers attending each session will be kept as low as possible.


Will be running on Monday’s l-2pm at the Arts Base, and be streaming on zoom at the same time for those unable to attend in person.

Each session will be capped to 6 participants plus their support worker.

Pre booking will be essential and for those at the Arts Base there will be 30 minutes at the end of the session if people wish to eat their snacks and catch up in the theatre.

The cost of a session (payable on arrival, cash still accepted but please bring exact cash where possible) will be £3 due to the limited time.

Trestle will provide tech support ahead of the first session for those wanting to access online who haven't used zoom before.


Act Up will be split into 2 x l hour sessions running Tuesdays 12pm - lpm and l.30-2.30pm. Each session will be capped to l0 participants. The participants will be asked to stay in their allocated time slot as agreed with each participant. (Where possible we will put participants already in other groups/ bubbles together in the same session)

Pre booking will be essential.

The cost of a session (payable on arrival, cash still accepted but please bring exact cash where possible) will be £3 due to the limited time.


Currently singing together in public is not advised and will be difficult with masks so these sessions will be streamed online via zoom on Thursday’s lpm-2pm.

There will be no fee for attending the online session (Donations will be possible online)

There will be an introductory tech session the week before to support those that haven't used zoom before.

The following restrictions will be in place to keep everyone safe:

  • We reserve the right to restrict access to anyone showing symptoms

  • We reserve the right to ask a participant to leave if they develop symptoms

  • Should a participant develop symptoms they agree to obtain a test and let us know immediately.

  • If anyone you come into regular contact with has had symptoms please do not attend a session for 14 days.

  • If you have attended a session and have been told to self-isolate you will be asked to let Trestle know as soon as possible.

-    Guidelines on self-isolation can be found here coronavirus-covid-19 /self-isolation-and­ treatment/ when-to- self-isolate-and-what-to-do/

We would like to be clear that our temperature checks are not a medical diagnosis, only a preventative measure and further medical guidance should be sought if you are displaying symptoms.

You can download a copy of this information HERE